Louisiana’s Super Bowl Test

Posted on January 31, 2022

Think you know the Super Bowl?

Then get out your number 2 pencil and grab your beer. It’s time for the Big Test for the Big Game. Hint: If you’re not sure of the answer, it’s probably “Tom Brady.”

Then check out some fun Super Bowl trivia below!

And after the test, take advantage of some really awesome welcome bonuses offered by major sportsbooks in Louisiana. With the official launch of online sportsbetting on Jan. 28, 2022, Louisiana bettors are now ready to roll.

#1 How many times has Tom Brady been Super Bowl MVP?

  • A. 7
  • B. Never
  • C. 49 in dog MVPs

#2 What does the losing team get?

  • A. $75,000
  • B. Muscle ointment
  • C. A participation trophy

#3 What do halftime show performers get?

  • A. Nothing
  • B. $500,000
  • C. A lifetime of mockery if anything goes wrong

#4 Why did Super Bowl XLV have no cheerleaders?

  • A. The Packers didn’t have a cheer squad
  • B. Their opponents, the Steelers, didn’t have a cheer squad either
  • C. Cramps

#5 Who has been at the most Super Bowls?

  • A. Tom Brady
  • B. Justin Timberlake
  • C. Tom Brady’s mom

#6 Has anyone from a losing team ever been named MVP?

  • A. Yes – Chuck Howley in Super Bowl V
  • B. Tom Brady
  • C. Not if they were playing against Tom Brady

#7 Have any of the Louisiana Saints been MVP?

  • A. Drew Brees
  • B. Everyone on the Saints is an MVP
  • C. We think Saint Francis of Assisi was cool

#8 What’s the 2nd biggest eating day of the year in the US after Thanksgiving?

  • A. Super Bowl Sunday
  • B. The day before Yom Kippur
  • C. The day after Yom Kippur

#9 The most popular Super Bowl food is?

  • A. Sub sandwiches
  • B. Chicken wings
  • C. Nachos
  • D. Chili
  • E. Sliders
  • F. Tums

Scoring: Give yourself a point for every “A” answer. If you get 9 points, give yourself a Super Bowl Achievement Test ring! Then…

Catch some Super Bowl trivia here

Above and Behind: The New England Patriots are both the biggest winner and the biggest loser of the Big Game, winning 6 and losing 5 (tied with the Denver Broncos).

There’s No Play Like Home: Super Bowls are played at the NFC team’s home city when the game is an odd number and at the AFC team’s home city when it’s an even number. 

Hail to the (Vice) Chiefs: Apparently, Vice Presidents like the Big Game more than their bosses. Four Veeps have attended, but no presidents. 

Trickle-Down Kernels: New York Giants linebacker Harry Carson dumped a tub of popcorn on President Reagan’s head to celebrate his team’s Super Bowl XXI win. 

Losing Streak: Just before the kickoff for the second half, a fellow dressed like a referee disrobed and ran across the field in just a G-string. Patriots linebacker Matt Chatham tackled him and game security took over from there.

AFC Creatures: The Miami Dolphins won the Big Game twice, back-to-back, but did you know there was an Otter Bowl on Super Bowl Sunday until 2020?

Go, Tigers! Louisiana State University had six former players in Super Bowl LV — three playing for the winning Tampa Bay Buccaneers and three for the Kansas City Chiefs. 

Beer Ye, Beer Ye! Americans spend over a billion dollars on beer on Super Bowl Sunday. 

If You Won It, Then You Better Put a Ring on It: (or: Ring-a-Ding-Ding:) The New England Patriots Super Bowl Ring sparkled with almost 300 diamonds and cost about $36,000 each.

Photo by Matt Slocum / Associated Press
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Written by
Marian Rosin

Marian Rosin is a freelance writer that has written on a variety of topics including publications like Upnest and Psychology Today. Marian brings experience in the gambling sector as the senior copywriter for Isle of Capri casinos.

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